Monday, September 27, 2010

What a goof!

This is just one example of why I love my husband. We went to St. George for danny's cousins wedding. While we were there we decided to make a quick stop at the DI. Danny picked out this beauty. Of course, something this awesome just HAS to be tried on!
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Lazy Sundays

We love sundays, we both have the day off, so we just waste it together. Yesterday we decided to get out our camping chairs and enjoy our books in the backyard. We also made chocolate fondue and dipped apples in it. All in all it was a pretty sweet day.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Freezer Jam

After going to the church farm & picking peaches, I needed something to do with all the peaches. Canning is something that's always intimidated me. I think it's because my mom never did it. Then my sister let me in on a little secret. "Freezer Jam" This stuff is amazing. We made Peach/Rasberry Jam & it was so easy & so darn delicious. We made 8 batches, 4 each. Now we have enough to last for atleast a year. I may even give some away as gifts. Here's the recipe. I know no one reads my blog but me, but oh well! (we did 4 batches @ a time. so that's what this recipe calls for)

8 cups peach puree

5 cups rasberries, bosineberries, or blackberries (or any combination)

4 packages of pectin

18 cups of sugar

1 cup lemon juice

4 cups light corn syrup

mix together fruit & lemon juice first

slowly stir in pectin

let stand 30 min stirring ever 5 min

slowly mix in corn syrup

slowly mix in sugar

stir until sugar is dissolved

put into containers (we used tupperware because they stack well)

put lids on & let sit for 24hrs

put 1 container in the fridge & store the rest in the freezer. Jam will last about a month in the fridge & 1yr in freezer. Enjoy!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor day weekend

We went to st george for labor day weekend sundi brought her kids down too so it was lots of fun. We started the weekend watching the byu game with danny's family. we were excited to be able to watch it since we don't have that option on basic cable. Then all the girls had a sleep over in the backyard, that was really fun until the sprinklers came on. We also did some peach picking at the church farm, went swimming, saw the prince of persia (so good), and watched the boise state game at iggys. It's so nice having both of our families live in st george. I feel like we get spoiled everytime we come down.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

Ah man!

So yesterday I made the decision to start eating healthier. then today just my luck, the latest edition of taste of home came in the mail. It's full of so much unhealthy but oh so tastey recipes. Like this one for cheese and bacon stuffed mushrooms. you guys are killing me.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is neat.

Thanks to my handsome hubby, a sweet hookup at my new job, and some really cool apps (blogger, and retro camera). I was able to write this from my phone. How cool is that? Now I can work on keeping our blog some what updated
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