After going to the church farm & picking peaches, I needed something to do with all the peaches. Canning is something that's always intimidated me. I think it's because my mom never did it. Then my sister let me in on a little secret. "Freezer Jam" This stuff is amazing. We made Peach/Rasberry Jam & it was so easy & so darn delicious. We made 8 batches, 4 each. Now we have enough to last for atleast a year. I may even give some away as gifts. Here's the recipe. I know no one reads my blog but me, but oh well! (we did 4 batches @ a time. so that's what this recipe calls for)
8 cups peach puree
5 cups rasberries, bosineberries, or blackberries (or any combination)
4 packages of pectin
18 cups of sugar
1 cup lemon juice
4 cups light corn syrup
mix together fruit & lemon juice first
slowly stir in pectin
let stand 30 min stirring ever 5 min
slowly mix in corn syrup
slowly mix in sugar
stir until sugar is dissolved
put into containers (we used tupperware because they stack well)
put lids on & let sit for 24hrs
put 1 container in the fridge & store the rest in the freezer. Jam will last about a month in the fridge & 1yr in freezer. Enjoy!