Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial weekend

We spent our weekend in St. George. It was so nice to just hang out and relax. Friday night we went out to eat at outback. I haven't had a good steak in awhile, so I was pretty excited. Afterwards I went and saw mirror mirror with Heather and Cami ( Danny's sisters). Such a cute movie! I loved it! I also got to spend some time with my girl Lisa, and a little time by the pool.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I forgot to write last week, so I'll have to play catch up. Last week was mother's day and I must say I am one lucky girl! I have two amazing women in my life. My mom is the best mom in the world, and I couldn't of asked for a better mother-In-law. On Thursday we took our nephew jack, and our niece. Addy out for ice cream for their birthday's. Jack was pretty funny. When I asked hi. What kind he wanted he said "yellow". We bought him pineapple and he was so excited. He didn't want anyone to sing him happy birthday. Whenever anyone started singing he would say "please stop" over and over again. He seemed happy enough to open presents though.
Today is my Dad's birthday. So after church we are going to St. George for dinner, and to see the solar eclipse. It should be lots of fun. I will post pictures about it a little later.

Monday, May 7, 2012


This past week has been a pretty big week for us. Danny and I both received our bachelorette degrees. Danny will continue on to get his MBA, but I however, am done forever! It's been a long road (it took me 6yrs to get a 4yr degree). If it were not for my supportive husband and family, I don't think I would have finished. My parents were kind enough to let us rent a house from them for dirt cheap, and we pretty much furnished our whole home with things Danny's parents have given us. These things have helped to make it possible for us to be able to live off part time wages.

We also were able to attend the baptism of my beautiful little niece Adysen. We are so proud of her for choosing to become a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She is such a fun sweet little girl.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I've decided I'm going to try and blog weekly. So here it goes... This past week I had my last day of school, and then this week is finals and graduation. The end is so close. I am having a hard time concentrating on finals because I'm just so excited to finally be done.
I feel like things are really starting to fall into place. Danny is only taking two classes this summer so he has a little extra time (his state bank internship is only 20 hrs a week). The Cedar City Golf Course called the other day to ask him to come back for the summer, and Danny has excepted, so now he will have two jobs which should make it a lot easier to save some money. Danny was also offered an assistantship at SUU which means we will get free tuition In the fall. I'm a pretty proud little wife since SUU doesn't offer very many assistantships. I have been nervous about money for awhile. I was afraid we were going to wipe out all of our savings paying for school, but now I can breath easy. We truly are blessed.
We also just welcomed a new little niece into the family. Sarah Andrew was born almost 3 weeks ago and was 6 weeks early. Just this past week they finally released her from the NICU. I am so grateful for modern medicine and technology. Without it we may not have had the chance to meet this beautiful baby girl in this life, and we are so glad Amy and the baby are healthy and doing well. I have gained a new appreciation for the pioneers, and all the losses endured. Children really are miracles.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Long Over Due.

I haven't posted anything for over a year. I'm not sure where to start. Everything is going good for us. Danny is enjoying his first semester in the MBA program, while I am finishing up my last semester for my bachelors. It's hard to believe that we are almost done. Think about it...we start school when we're 5yrs old, so for as long as I can remember, I've always gone to school. I'm exited to start this next chapter in out lives.

Danny just excepted an internship at State Bank of Southern Utah working in thier apraisel office. He starts right away, so he should be pretty busy with that and school. I'm still doing an iternship fo the Leavitt Group, and I'm planning to go full time after graduation.

I think that about sums it up. It's a good thing no one reads this.